Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Why Babies Cry?

It just hit me that there's a reason babies cry and keep their parents up all night when they're extremely young. It's to train them; to prepare them for when they're needed; not just needed because the child is hungry or has soiled himself, but needed because the child has had a terrifying dream and, still not completely sure it was all imaginary at this age, stumbles into its parents' room, only to barely audibly whisper "mama" as it's eyes slowly well up with tears while looking at the pitch black room it knows it's parents are in, yet which reminds it so vividly of the horrors it experienced only minutes earlier in its own bed. It's these times that it prepared its parents for when it kept them up crying as a baby, because now, accustomed to a lighter sleep, the mother's eyes still dart open as she leans up to see the silloutte of her baby in the door way quietly shaking and rushes over to comfort it, while the unaccustomed person roles over, completely oblivious of the small creature in need of help in the doorway. This is why the baby cries. 

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